Você está na versão anterior do website do ISA


Essa é a versão antiga do site do ISA que ficou no ar até março de 2022. As informações institucionais aqui contidas podem estar desatualizadas. Acesse https://www.socioambiental.org para a versão atual.

Notícias Direto do ISA

Exibindo 51 até 63 de um total de 63 notícias produzidas

Para notícias anteriores a abril de 2013 acesse nosso arquivo de notícias

What changes (or is left) for indigenous peoples with president Bolsonaro’s reforms in Brazil?

On the day the indigenous people are out on the streets for their 1st official protest against the new administration, ISA publishes its last report on the ministerial reform. The rural caucus has opened the path for keeping its promise in putting an end to [indigenous] land demarcations


ISA’s policy of partnerships is based on implementing its mission to defend the collective rights of traditional populations and diffuse environmental rights.


Besides its 29 founding members, ISA’s By-Laws account for other member categories: active members, collaborative members and honorary members.

About ISA

The Instituto Socioambiental (ISA) was established on April 22, 1994, by a group of people with a significant professional background and experiences in the struggle for social and environmental rights.
