Você está na versão anterior do website do ISA


Essa é a versão antiga do site do ISA que ficou no ar até março de 2022. As informações institucionais aqui contidas podem estar desatualizadas. Acesse https://www.socioambiental.org para a versão atual.

Surge in wildcat mining, collapse of healthcare and union between Yanomami Indigenous Land communities mark the II Leadership Forum

In this meeting of Yanomami and Ye’kwana leaders, indigenous people denounce the government’s neglect of healthcare and indifference toward the wildcat mining invasion that is destroying indigenous land

Virtual reality documentary 'Forest Makers' to be premiered at COP26

Produced by the Instituto Socioambiental (ISA) and the Xingu Seed Network, the film shows the connection between indigenous peoples, traditional communities, environmentalists and rural producers for a common goal: planting the forests of the future.

Belo Sun discloses misleading information to investors regarding controversial gold mining project in the Brazilian Amazon

Organizations calls attention to the repeated dissemination of misleading information by Belo Sun Mining Corp (TSXV:BSX), including statements by CEO Peter Tagliamonte, downplaying socio-environmental, legal, and financial risks of the company’s “Volta Grande” project along the Xingu River.
