Essa é a versão antiga do site do ISA que ficou no ar até março de 2022. As informações institucionais aqui contidas podem estar desatualizadas. Acesse para a versão atual.
An ISA study shows that the expected approval of a draft law granting amnesty to land grabbers has caused a surge in land invasions and deforestation in the world’s largest tropical rainforest
A new report by the Hutukara Yanomami Association shows aerial images of the unchecked expansion of illegal mining in Yanomami territory, with deep craters, camps adjoining Indigenous villages and even restaurants and bars for illegal miners
The Bill 510/2021 can be voted in the Senate plenary; known as “PL da Grilagem”, it intends to regularize thousands of hectares illegally deforested in the Amazon; at the top of the ranking of the most deforested Indigenous Lands, Apyterewa and Trincheira Bacajá (PA) face boom in invasions
In manifest, 60 villages of the Kayapó people repudiate a bill that intends to legalize mining in their territories; more than 5,700 illegal mining outbreaks were detected between 2018 and 2020 in Indigenous Lands and Conservation Units in the Xingu basin
As national coordinator of Articulation of Indigenous Peoples of Brazil (APIB), Sônia is the target of political persecution in another chapter of the escalating authoritarianism of the Bolsonaro administration. Read editorial from ISA
Monitoring of the Xingu + Network shows that, between 2018 and 2020, 513,500 hectares were deforested in the Xingu basin, equivalent to six times the city of New York (USA). One of the epicenters was a forest strip that maintains the humidity of the biome
A new survey reveals the proliferation of new bases of invaders in closer proximity to the indigenous communities, including groups of isolated indigenous groups, and the opening of new routes into the territory
Decision can influence the implementation of the right to Free, Prior and Informed Consultation of indigenous and tribal peoples in Brazil about projects that impact their livelihoods before they are implemented
1,700 hectares were deforested between September and December; Court decision to carry out disintrusion of the area expires in May, but the government has not yet received a budget from Funai
The Apyterewa, Cachoeira Seca, Ituna Itatá and Trincheira Bacajá ILs, in Pará State, lead the ranking of the most deforested in the Amazon; invasions increased after the cancellation of Ibama's operations in May