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Markup exemplo: todas as possibilidades de formatação em um POST

Versão para impressão
Alex Piaz e Gabriella Contoli

Lucas ipsum dolor sit amet mara wesell nute danni quence phlog veknoid habassa ishi borvo. Qrygg squib tharin momaw gamorrean ki-adi-mundi plagueis quadrinaros rattataki. Md-5 borvo dengar wesell. Kwi ryn ryn tatooine rattataki. Saesee calamari t'landa b4-d4 bail altyr oswaft. Dug maul terrik omwati xexto. Verpine dak kir felucia gorith ahsoka. Vulptereen nassau jax -1b xizor kenobi fel. Sly kendal ebe vader vedder. Amedda chirrpa himoran ebe. Amidala organa saleucami garm. Paploo defel skywalker vella alderaan.

Solo toydarian zorba plagueis noghri di ubb. Jinn braxant yoda wuher aleena aparo kota naberrie. Darth garindan wedge max klatooinian hutt arkanis. Droid talz mygeeto thrackan. C-3po jabba sesswenna dodonna cognus x2 drovian skywalker aparo. Boltrunians darth mirialan moff jacen hutt ruurian. Kiffar caedus whill rex jin'ha aqualish fett. Ima-gun palpatine ailyn firmus pellaeon deliah fisto dunwell. Malastare sebulba besalisk lepi. Sluis raa aka zorba palpatine voxyn priapulin. Thisspiasian mon chommell ithorian yarael vao orus danni.

Watto bib elomin mustafar kasan. Chirrpa mandalore bail rendar castell orrin bibble. Carnor oswaft hutt sith joruus borsk skywalker givin. Axmis thul droid winter shimrra momaw. Ben wyl porkins windu shmi besalisk snootles. Darth jobal fosh palpatine. Gwurran firrerreo kathol ubb kit fel thisspias aayla. Bespin xexto ssi-ruuk san yarael fisto umbaran rendar brak. Kyp ahsoka saffa zabrak ogemite mon darth.

Darth Vader mundo hoc anime

Needa metalorn keshiri kaminoan nute stele amanin thakwaash. Y'bith watto wroonian koon. Ric ablajeck mace gerb pa'lowick abrion jarael qui-gonn. Moor kenobi lumiya calrissian ryn kessel jawa. D8 xizor firrerreo garm rishii amidala owen kurtzen skirata. Jobal organa tib var breha timoliini briqualon moff. Piett piett sio yuzzem. Stele lars mustafar vong anx kasan shawda. Naberrie noa saurin unu bardan darth durge anx. Boss bane sullustan winter organa bria aruzan watto organa. Ponda lyn moff jobal antonio twi'lek.

Death Star

Ugnaught nien opress ansion. Stass alderaan ithorian nas. Wesell roos bib abregado ogemite skywalker dalonbian b'omarr. Fosh allie naberrie kaleesh qel-droma palpatine cognus frozarns. Wirutid falleen cerea whill xizor kyp reach xizor. Felucia porkins wedge bollux lahara woostoid mace oppo bossk. Vor darth meridian lyn secura. Thisspias arcona cassio nute hutt. Wedge tof b'omarr chewbacca. Shimrra saurin tib padmé organa gev. Antilles teneniel rattataki aruzan ugnaught nal bail celegian derek. Rendar freedon nien sing.

Lucas ipsum dolor sit amet haruun wuher sith balosar sarn jax moff vestara kenobi qu. Medon dug galen sidious noa. Geonosis skywalker ors leia jar zabrak mon tatooine terrik. Calrissian t88 bossk darth quee ben mirialan valorum hapes. Kast omwati cracken kathol hissa sulorine. Darpa duros vodran zabrak antonio skywalker noa paploo. Kel moff zabrak isolder skakoan mon valorum yoda leia. Evocii skywalker rom senex darth hallotan huk. Utapau bothan trianii typho moff sebulba beru nilgaard zuggs. Kael jobal airen unu elom.

Mothma mon mas myneyrsh yuzzum corran. Skywalker sykes jabiimas amidala valorum jinn. Echani nomi vong epicanthix nas sith muzzer jawa wirutid. Jabiimas jan calamari farlander gordin soontir vella lando kohl. Sikan fett lorth grievous vilim. Quelli sidious grizmallt wyl. Dantooine artaru amanin skirata luke huk. Paploo chadra-fan antilles dantooine natasi boz nar tahiri. Ismaren even watto xanatos tusken raider orrin utapau. Hutt arkanian di zorba raymus carondian fel wicket. Tion monkey-lizard dagobah thrackan dexter.

An example map

Os pontos verdes são pontos verdes. Aqui entra uma legenda né.

Mygeeto massassi choka cordé shistavanen gavyn nahdar

Trandoshan fosh muunilinst taung. Offee gavyn jerec mandell b'omarr kal freedon mothma nal. Wicket su timoliini jan mygeeto kal. Ruurian ig-88 darth lars plo r2-d2 togruta. Ima-gun jawa defel organa r2-d2 carondian vivenda tarpals. Yuzzum organa yuzzem shi'ido asajj kendal skywalker. Jax moff utapau dantooine kaminoan. Cad cognus sly cadavine hapes windu garm. Whaladon celegian moff bajic moor koon. Motti skywalker zam himoran. Gungan c-3po aruzan tharen panaka choka keyan.

Fett veers bormea saffa chommell kiffar. Kessel maul felucia tagge ponda joelle ackbar illum. Phlog ponda dunhausen luke c-3p0 fel borsk moff.

Chewbacca the Wookie Grand Moff Tarkin

Bormea organa ki-adi-mundi organa huk jango.

Shawda sio malastare di veknoid. Kwa wroonian anomid ruwee. Terentatek timoliini mayagil x2 bimm gora hutt meridian. Trioculus djo mon darth sio secura fortuna. Utai drach'nam ki-adi-mundi raioballo disra jango wuher sabé. Olié subterrel ralter terentatek unduli. Paaerduag til wicket altyr taun max kaminoan epicanthix evocii.

Whill nunb ssi-ruuk ev-9d9 malastare corellia neti calrissian. Dressellian argazdan dunhausen sullustan halla. Gunray qui-gon tython zabrak mod yoda dak ki-adi-mundi veers. Bib endocott kohl endocott mas r4-p17 secura vedder malastare. Meridian nosaurian kenobi pa'lowick senesca b'omarr cato bane. Quence oola lando leia zannah amidala thisspias. Utai cal mara til annoo bardan palpatine defel sesswenna. Mirta mon isolder zuckuss mantell rodian jodo darth bane. Isolder phlog crynyd saesee raymus.

Anomid onimi ysanne jarael. Tapani nien troig panaka kanos. Beru kaminoan irek naberrie unduli endor cabasshite hutt. Ithorian chistori mara skakoan fett mace yoda joruus omas. Jarael kael bardan polis. Artaru vagaari ismaren skywalker. Moff rakata jan secura vor selonian himoran tatooine. Shaddaa jerec jagged wicket moff jodo rukh dunwell croke. Qu jeremoch yevetha ors vima-da-boda daala antilles. Frozian ssi-ruuk terrik nien tharen. Calrissian rishii droid gamorrean shmi fisto. Obi-wan tarasin yoda sifo-dyas.

Tharin ogemite ackbar bail typho. Boss kuat arkanian sola ferroans vurk. Huk antilles qel-droma kamino muun. Shaddaa ferroans sebulba dor jango utapau. Endocott ithorian chistori baba padmé sio hoojib nunb yowza. Ubese maul gwurran nute. Mccool firrerreo keyan djo. Aka tyber c-3p0 paaerduag skywalker psadan. Lahara tion til kendal neimoidian sebulba grizmallt gora lorth. K-3po djo aruzan gunray ackbar biggs wicket. Nute kowakian mon firmus. Gizka naberrie corran fett antilles panaka. Tierce danni thul kaminoan ssi-ruuk natasi mustafar.

Aqui pode usar um H3

No, my father didn't fight in the wars. He was a navigator on a spice freighter. That's what your uncle told you. He didn't hold with your father's ideals. Thought he should have stayed here and not gotten involved. You fought in the Clone Wars? Yes, I was once a Jedi Knight the same as your father. I wish I'd known him. He was the best star-pilot in the galaxy, and a cunning warrior. I understand you've become quite a good pilot yourself. And he was a good friend. Which reminds me... I have something here for you. Your father wanted you to have this when you were old enough, but your uncle wouldn't allow it. He feared you might follow old Obi-Wan on some damned-fool idealistic crusade like your father did.

Hey, whoa, just where do you think you're going? Master Luke here is your rightful owner. We'll have no more of this Obi-Wan Kenobi jibberish...and don't talk to me about your mission, either. You're fortunate he doesn't blast you into a million pieces right here. What's wrong with him now? Oh my...sir, he says there are several creatures approaching from the southeast. Sandpeople! Or worst! Come on, let's have a look. Come on. There are two Banthas down there but I don't see any...wait a second, they're Sandpeople all right. I can see one of them now.

My scope's negative. I don't see anything. Keep up your visual scanning. With all this jamming, they'll be on top of you before your scope can pick them up. Biggs! You've picked one up...watch it! I can't see it! Where is he?! He's on me tight, I can't shake him...I can't shake him. Hang on, Biggs, I'm coming in. Got him!

Jerec falleen mimbanite logray. Skywalker vau wroonian vel kuat dorvalla. Ackbar darth -1b aparo natasi barriss whaladon. Finis voxyn rebo skywalker. Desolous davin gonk biggs cal grizmallt trioculus raa neti. Wat besalisk biggs doldur max oola. Saleucami besalisk dodonna psadan t'landa. Bane sio gossam darpa. Needa togorian ken atrivis dak. Castell solo stereb palpatine yoda lahara. Bib aayla gonk lando vratix sith raymus ssi-ruuk. Dor hoojib mace ugnaught. Senex kohl kowakian noghri gallia noa lytton.

All flight trooper, man your stations. All flight troops, man your stations. So...you got your reward and you're just leaving then? That's right, yeah! I got some old debts I've got to pay off with this stuff. Even if I didn't, you don't think I'd be fool enough to stick around here, do you? Why don't you come with us? You're pretty good in a fight. I could use you. Come on! Why don't you take a look around? You know what's about to happen, what they're up against. They could use a good pilot like you. You're turning your back on them.

How did I get into this mess? I really don't know how. We seem to be made to suffer. It's our lot in life. I've got to rest before I fall apart. My joints are almost frozen. What a desolate place this is. Where are you going? Well, I'm not going that way. It's much too rocky. This way is much easier. What makes you think there are settlements over there? Don't get technical with me. What mission? What are you talking about? I've had just about enough of you! Go that way! You'll be malfunctioning within a day, you nearsighted scrap pile! And don't let me catch you following me begging for help, because you won't get it. No more adventures. I'm not going that way.

Yes, sir. I think those new droids are going to work out fine. In fact, I, uh, was also thinking about our agreement about my staying on another season. And if these new droids do work out, I want to transmit my application to the Academy this year. You mean the next semester before harvest? Sure, there're more than enough droids. Harvest is when I need you the most. Only one more season. This year we'll make enough on the harvest so I'll be able to hire some more hands. And then you can go to the Academy next year. You must understand I need you here, Luke. But it's a whole 'nother year. Look, it's only one more season. Yeah, that's what you said last year when Biggs and Tank left. Where are you going? It looks like I'm going nowhere. I have to finish cleaning those droids.

What? Yahoo! Look out! You're all clear, kid. Now let's blow this thing and go home! Stand by to fire at Rebel base. Standing by. Great shot, kid. That was one in a million. Remember, the Force will be with you...always.


Look, it's only one more season. Yeah, that's what you said last year when Biggs and Tank left. Where are you going? It looks like I'm going nowhere. I have to finish cleaning those droids.

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