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Essa é a versão antiga do site do ISA que ficou no ar até março de 2022. As informações institucionais aqui contidas podem estar desatualizadas. Acesse https://www.socioambiental.org para a versão atual.

Policy and Law

Versão para impressão

The Policy and Law Program aims to promote public policies and ensure the implementation of rights that ensure an ecologically balanced environment and decent living conditions for indigenous and traditional peoples. It operates in the executive, legislative and judiciary, proposing lawsuits, preparing analyzes and studies, disseminating information, monitoring and intervening in the processing of bills, participating in civil society forums and international conferences. The thematic lines of the program are: forest policy, protected areas, indigenous territorial rights, environmental permits, energy and climate change (REDD).

In 2014, we intend to:

- Articulate and mobilize civil society and social movements for the defense and development of protected areas (indigenous lands, protected areas and Quilombo) today threatened by the expansion of the agricultural frontier, the infrastructure works and mining projects;

- Monitor the implementation of the new forestry law, assessing the implementation of the Rural Environmental Registry and Environmental Adjustment Programs and the Judiciary approach toward the new rules, in order to prevent fraud and encourage good practice;

- Work for the implementation of proposals for "greening" of agricultural policy, so that it gradually support and encourage conservation and environmental restoration in rural properties.

- Monitor and intervene in the process of changing the Mining Code, in order to protect the rights affected communities and guide mineral production according to criteria of environmental sustainability

- Raise the awareness of civil society and the public authorities of the risks of exploitation of shale gas, preventing its spread inconsequential by country

Adriana Ramos
Journalist, coordinator
Márcio Santilli
Degree in Philosophy, advisor
Flávia Camargo de Araújo
Agronomist, advisor
Oswaldo Braga de Souza
Journalist, reporter and advisor
Parceiros e Fontes de Financiamento: 
Fundação Ford
Financial supoort
Fundação Rainforest da Noruega (RFN)
Financial supoort